Application of remimazolam-0.6% sevoflurane anesthesia for flash visual evoked potential monitoring during pituitary adenoma resection: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial BMC Anesthesiology. 2024;24(1):85
Buprenorphine Versus Diclofenac for Pain Relief in Acute Pancreatitis: A Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology. 2024;22(3):532-541.e8
Effect of remimazolam vs propofol on emergence from general anesthesia in patients undergoing cerebral endovascular procedures: A randomized controlled, non-inferiority trial Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 2024;93:111356
Effects of 0.15% ropivacaine alone and combination with sufentanil on epidural labor analgesia and adverse reactions African Health Sciences. 2023;23(3):569-575
Efficacy and safety of electroacupuncture for benign prostatic hyperplasia: A systematic review and meta-analysis Medicine (Baltimore). 2024;103(8):e37324
Efficacy and Safety of Ketamine to Treat Cancer Pain in Adult Patients: A Systematic Review Journal of Pain and Symptom Management. 2024;67(3):e185-e210
Efficacy of virtual reality for pain relief in medical procedures: a systematic review and meta-analysis BMC Medicine. 2024;22(1):64
Electroacupuncture with intermittent wave stimulation as rehabilitation approach for chronic Bell's palsy: a randomized controlled trial Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2024;100(1181):151-158
Emotion-centered versus fact-centered medical information to alleviate pain and anxiety in prostate biopsy: A randomized trial Prostate. 2024;84(4):389-394
Epidural versus general anesthesia for laparo-endoscopic single-site cholecystectomy: a randomized controlled trial Surgical Endoscopy. 2024;38(3):1414-1421
Gaza: Doctors of the World office destroyed, as medics are forced to amputate without anaesthetic BMJ. 2024;384:q429
Incidence of emergence agitation in children undergoing sevoflurane anesthesia compared to isoflurane anesthesia: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis Paediatric Anaesthesia. 2024;34(4):304-317
Influence of different volumes and frequency of programmed intermittent epidural bolus in labor on maternal and neonatal outcomes: A systematic review and network meta-analysis Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 2024;93:111364
Ketamine infiltration improves analgesia after thyroid surgery F1000Res. 2023;12:206
Long-term Outcomes with Spinal versus General Anesthesia for Hip Fracture Surgery: A Randomized Trial Anesthesiology. 2024;140(3):375-386
Neurovascular Complications of Iatrogenic Fusarium solani Meningitis New England Journal of Medicine. 2024;390(6):522-529
Opioid-free anesthesia with ultrasound-guided quadratus lumborum block in the supine position for lower abdominal or pelvic surgery: a randomized controlled trial Scientific Reports. 2024;14(1):4652
Optimal Post-Operative Nalbuphine Dose Regimen: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Patients with Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania). 2024;60(2)
Pericapsular nerve group block versus fascia iliaca block for perioperative analgesia in hip fracture surgery: a prospective randomized trial Pan African Medical Journal. 2023;46:93
Perioperative pain management for appendicectomy: A systematic review and Procedure-specific Postoperative Pain Management recommendations European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2024;41(3):174-187
Pharmacological agents for procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department and intensive care unit: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised trials British Journal of Anaesthesia. 2024;132(3):491-506
Stereotactic Body and Conventional Radiotherapy for Painful Bone Metastases: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis JAMA Netw Open. 2024;7(2):e2355409
Use of extracorporeal shockwave therapies for athletes and physically active individuals: a systematic review British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2024;58(3):154-163
Virtual Reality for Pain Management During High-Resolution Manometry: A Randomized Clinical Trial Laryngoscope. 2024;134(3):1118-1126
Women from more deprived backgrounds are less likely to have an epidural, finds study BMJ. 2024;384:q411
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