A change to the ways these alerts are delivered in 2023
The alerts will be collated into a blog posting on the Library’s subject guide called Health Leadership and Management on a page called Latest from the Literature.
Your email address will be added to the blog as a subscriber later today or tomorrow.
If you want to continue to receive the alerts, please verify that subscriber email by clicking on the verification link. As before there will be no more than one email scheduled each week – usually on a Monday or Tuesday. When you get an alert to a new blog posting, you will get an email that will take you to this page where you can view the links.
If you don’t want to continue to receive the emailed alerts, ignore the request to verify your subscription to the blog. You can still visit the page where the postings appear at any time.
The advantage is that a year’s worth of alerts will remain on the blog site so if you want to search back for something, all the earlier links will be there without the need to save emails. You (or any staff member) can subscribe or unsubscribe to alerts at any time.
The Anchor Strategy — A Place-Based Business Approach for Health Equity - NEJM - 7 September 2023
Growing occupational health and wellbeing together strategy - NHS England - 5 January 2023
Digital Technology as Force Multiplier for Health Care Workers - NEJM Catalyst - 30 December 2022
Hospitals and Health Equity — Translating Measurement into Action - NEJM - 29 December 2022
From Health Care Workforce Recuperation to Regeneration - NEJM Catalyst - 28 December 2022
Reducing Readmission Risk Through Whole-Person Design. Case study - NEJM Catalyst - 21 December 2022
Retiring the “Against Medical Advice” Discharge - Annals of Internal Medicine - December 2022
Recovering elective waits inclusively: where to start? - The King's Fund - 20 December 2022
What can the NHS learn from other countries on workforce planning? - BMJ - 20 December 2022
Careful, kind care is our compass out of the pandemic fog - BMJ - 14 December 2022
Workplace mental health and well-being - US Surgeon General - 20 October 2022