The application and use of artificial intelligence in cancer nursing: A systematic review  European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2024;68:102510

Clinical deterioration as a nurse sensitive indicator in the out-of-hospital context: A scoping review  Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2024;33(3):874-889

Cognitive mental workload of emergency nursing: A scoping review  Nurs Open. 2024;11(2):e2111

Evaluation of the implementation of advanced practice nursing roles in France: A multiple case study  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(3):977-992

Evidence on the use of Birthrate Plus® to guide safe staffing in maternity services - A systematic scoping review  Women Birth. 2024;37(2):317-324

Exploring feminist political economy and feminist critical discourse analysis as methodologies in critical nursing research  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(3):958-970

Impact of training and case manager support for traditional birth attendants in the linkage of care among HIV-positive pregnant women in Southwest Nigeria: a 3-arm cluster randomized control trial  BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 2024;24(1):153

International Nursing Review moves to online only publication in 2024  International Nursing Review. 2024;71(1):1

Leadership practices that enable healthful cultures in clinical practice: A realist evaluation  Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2024;33(3):982-997

The Midwest Nursing Research Society's 2023-2026 Strategic Plan  Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2024;46(3):256-257

Midwives' experiences of discussing health behaviour change within routine maternity care: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis  Women Birth. 2024;37(2):303-316

Transforming nursing assessment in acute hospitals: A cluster randomised controlled trial of an evidence-based nursing core assessment (the ENCORE trial)  International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2024;151:104690