Abstracts from the Midwest Nursing Research Society (MNRS) 2024 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota  Western Journal of Nursing Research. 2024;46(1_suppl):1s-57s

Advanced nurse and midwife practitioners' experience of interprofessional collaboration when implementing evidence-based practice into routine care: An interpretative phenomenological analysis  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(4):1559-1573

Advanced practice nurses' evidence-based healthcare competence and associated factors: A systematic review  Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2024;33(6):2069-2083

Development and psychometric testing of the actualisation of evidence-based nursing instrument  Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2024;33(6):2237-2248

The effect of resilience training with mHealth application based on micro-learning method on the stress and anxiety of nurses working in intensive care units: a randomized controlled trial  BMC Medical Education. 2024;24(1):442

The effectiveness of evidence-based nursing intervention for nasal irrigation after endoscopic sinus surgery in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis: a randomized controlled trial  European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. 2024;281(5):2451-2462

Effectiveness of Occupation-Based Nursing Program on Chemotherapy-Related Symptoms and Satisfaction Among Pediatric Oncology Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial  Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 2024;40(2):151610

Influences Shaping Clinicians' Monoclonal Antibody and Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Preparation and Administration Management Practices: A Systematic Review  Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 2024;40(2):151583

Nurses' experiences of moral distress and how it affects daily work in surgical care-a qualitative study  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(5):2080-2090

Nurses' experiences when conducting the mental state examination (MSE): A scoping review  International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2024;33(2):224-240

Nursing's professional character: A chimera?  Nursing Philosophy. 2024;25(2):e12477

Oncology Nurses' Experiences of Using Health Information Systems in the Delivery of Cancer Care in a Range of Care Settings: A Systematic Integrative Review  Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 2024;40(2):151579

Practice patterns, role and impact of advanced practice nurses in stroke care: A mixed-methods systematic review  Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2024;33(4):1306-1319

A pre-post interventional study to reduce time spent on clinical documentation by nurses and midwives  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(4):1452-1463

A retrospective descriptive study of NANDA-I nursing diagnoses used by midwives working in obstetrics and gynecologic service: An example from south-eastern Turkey  Int J Nurs Knowl. 2024;35(2):163-169

Safety culture in maternity hospital: Perception of nurse-midwives  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(5):2091-2105

Supporting older nurses and midwives in the Australian healthcare workplace-A qualitative descriptive study  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(5):2065-2079

Syrian refugees' experiences while receiving mental health services and psychiatric nursing care: A qualitative study  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(4):1511-1522

A systematic review and thematic synthesis of inpatient nursing staff experiences of working with high-risk patient behaviours  Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 2024;31(3):325-339

Systematic Review on Characteristics and Effects of Leadership Development Interventions for Nursing Students  Nurse Educator. 2024;49(3):E147-e152

This is Nursing  Nursing. 2024;54(5):36-37

Transitional Care Navigation  Seminars in Oncology Nursing. 2024;40(2):151580

Walt Whitman and the Art of Nursing  Nursing. 2024;54(5):45-47