Acute care nurses’ decisions to recognise and respond to patient improvement: A qualitative study Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2024;33(11):4445-4454

Best Evidence Summary for Management of Older People With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Using ‘Internet Plus Nursing Services’ International Journal of Older People Nursing. 2024;19(6):e12657

Challenges experienced by cardiac intensive care nurses during first out-of-bed patient mobilization after open-heart surgery: A descriptive phenomenological qualitative study  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(11):4616-4628

Development and implementation of sexual and gender minority curriculum for advanced practice nursing: A feasibility study Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(11):4412-4421

Draft National Nursing Workforce Strategy. Australian Department of Health and Aged Care - feedback closes 20 October 2024 
Available from:

Educational interventions to improve student nurses’ knowledge, attitudes, or willingness to work with older people: a systematic review of quantitative findings  International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship. 2024;21(1)

Effect of using gamification and augmented reality in mechanical ventilation unit of critical care nursing on nurse students’ knowledge, motivation, and self-efficacy: A randomized controlled trial Nurse Education Today. 2024;142:106329

Guest editor’s closing of the annual special collection, 27th International Nursing Philosophy Conference proceedings in association with IPONS: Reimagining a nursing ecosystem in an uncertain world  Nursing Philosophy. 2024;25(4):e12509

Integrating genomics into Canadian oncology nursing policy: Insights from a comparative policy analysis  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(11):4488-4509

Measuring attitude change in nursing students after completion of a First Nations peoples’ health unit: Embedding a validated tool in learning and assessment practices  The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education. 2024;53(1)

Moral distress among acute mental health nurses: A systematic review  Nursing Ethics. 2024;31(7):1178-1195

Nurse led models of care for outpatient substance use disorder treatment: A scoping review  Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2024;33(11):4280-4296

Nurses’ and midwives’ experiences of managing parental postnatal depression: A scoping review  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(11):4395-4411

Nursing in the Capitalocene: An anarchistic approach to governmentality and pastoral care  Nursing Philosophy. 2024;25(4):e70001

Nursing interventions to prevent pressure injury among open heart surgery patients: A systematic review  Nursing in Critical Care. 2024;29(6):1706-1720

Nursing Roles in Cancer Rehabilitation: An Integrative Review  Cancer Nursing. 2024;47(6):484-494

Nursing/midwifery students’ perceptions of caring pedagogy and online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(11):4712-4724

Promoting resilience in mental health nurses: A partially clustered randomised controlled trial  International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2024;159:104865

A strengths-based qualitative exploration of critical care nurses’ reasons for remaining in critical care  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024;80(11):4629-4638

’Throw me a life buoy, please’: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative evidence regarding nurses’ experiences of caring for inpatients with borderline personality disorder and/or non-suicidal self-injury  Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 2024;31(6):1216-1229