As Climate Change Takes a Toll on Mental Health in Africa, Experts Call for More Research and Interventions JAMA. 2023;330(17):1608-1610
Association between care experience and mental health hospitalisation among children in Scotland, with a focus on chronic conditions (CHiCS): a population-wide longitudinal study using administrative data Lancet. 2023;402 Suppl 1:S5
Bariatric surgery and mental health outcomes: an umbrella review Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2023;14:1283621
CDC Report: Health Worker Mental Health Crisis Continued in 2022 JAMA. 2023;330(20):1945
Civic engagement and mental health trajectories in Norwegian youth Front Public Health. 2023;11:1214141
Dyadic coping and mental health in couples: A systematic review Clinical Psychology Review. 2023;106:102344
Early intervention in psychosis services: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of barriers and facilitators to seeking access European Psychiatry. 2023;66(1):e92
Effect of trade unions on the mental health of UK workers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: a longitudinal analysis using Understanding Society data Lancet. 2023;402 Suppl 1:S62
Effectiveness of emergency department based interventions for frequent users with mental health issues: A systematic review American Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2023;74:1-8
Health leaders lament omission of Mental Health Act reform from King's speech BMJ. 2023;383:2616
Household food insecurity and child health outcomes: a rapid review of mechanisms and associations Lancet. 2023;402 Suppl 1:S16
International evidence on lived experiences of trauma during homelessness and effects on mental health including substance use: a co-produced qualitative systematic review Lancet. 2023;402 Suppl 1:S18
The Jameel Arts & Health Lab in collaboration with the WHO-Lancet Global Series on the Health Benefits of the Arts Lancet. 2023;402(10414):1732-1734
Moderating effect of country-level health determinants on the association between hobby engagement and mental health: cross-cohort multi-level models, meta-analyses, and meta-regressions Lancet. 2023;402 Suppl 1:S41
Monitoring the physical and mental health of Australian children and young people: a foundation for responsive and accountable actions Medical Journal of Australia. 2023;219 Suppl 10:S20-s24
More play and fewer screens: a way to improve preschoolers' mental health? Cross-sectional findings from the British Preschool-children's Play Survey Lancet. 2023;402 Suppl 1:S49
MPs accuse ministers of complacency over rural mental health BMJ. 2023;383:2570
Prevalence and nature of workplace bullying and harassment and associations with mental health conditions in England: a cross-sectional probability sample survey Lancet. 2023;402 Suppl 1:S2
A scoping review of institutional policies and recommendations for trans inpatient mental health care Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 2023;30(6):1043-1053
Screening, Referral, Behavioral Counseling, and Preventive Interventions for Oral Health in Adults: A Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force JAMA. 2023;330(18):1780-1790
Screening, Referral, Behavioral Counseling, and Preventive Interventions for Oral Health in Children and Adolescents Aged 5 to 17 Years: A Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force JAMA. 2023;330(17):1674-1686
Social determinants of mental health trajectories during midlife: a prospective British birth cohort study Lancet. 2023;402 Suppl 1:S48
Survey: Which Children Visit ED for Mental Health Concerns, and Why JAMA. 2023;330(20):1946
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