Anti-Asian Racism and COVID-19 Impact on Older Adults: The Voices of Social Workers  J Gerontol Soc Work. 2023;66(8):985-1004

A Call to Shift Theoretical Orientation for Eating Disorder Treatment in Social Work: Inside-Out and Outside-In  Health and Social Work. 2023;48(4):281-284

Charity accuses minister of backtracking over community liver scan pledge  BMJ. 2023;383:2415

Developing Antiracist Social Work Practice at a Comprehensive Cancer Center  Health and Social Work. 2023;48(4):261-269

Escape to the future - a qualitative study of physicians' views on the work environment, education, and support in a digital context  BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making. 2023;23(1):231

Examining Strategies among Veterans Affairs Outpatient Social Workers to Facilitate Job Retention and Emotional Well-Being during the COVID-19 Pandemic  Health and Social Work. 2023;48(4):241-249

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Harm reduction social work with people who use drugs: a qualitative interview study with social workers in harm reduction services in Sweden  Harm Reduct J. 2023;20(1):146

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How do kinship and foster caregivers differ in their conceptualization of family connectedness?  Child Abuse and Neglect. 2023;145:106391

The human rights of children with disabilities: How can medical professionals better fulfil rather than breach them?  Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology. 2023;65(11):1429-1435

Is Self-Care a Stand-In for Feminized Social Privilege? A Systematic Review of Self-Care Facilitators and Barriers to Self-Care Practices in Social Work  J Evid Based Soc Work (2019). 2023;20(6):914-933

Lost futures, doomed timelines and unwanted inheritances: how we are handling painful time in social work  Crit Radic Soc Work. 2023;11(3):360-373

Medications for Opioid Use Disorder for Youth: Patient, Caregiver, and Clinician Perspectives  Journal of Adolescent Health. 2023

Model Clinic to Increase Preventive Screenings Among Patients With Physical Disabilities: Protocol for a Mixed Methods Intervention Pilot Study  JMIR Res Protoc. 2023;12:e50105

Partnering with families known to child protection in an interprofessional context  Child Abuse and Neglect. 2023;145:106426

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Retention and Turnover of Social Workers in China: Experimental Evidence from Beijing  J Evid Based Soc Work (2019). 2023;20(6):868-880

Supportive Care Needs Among Head and Neck Cancer Patients Prior to Oncologic Treatment: A Prospective, Nested Cross-Sectional Qualitative Analysis  Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. 2023;132(11):1443-1452

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Social Work: Evidence for Impact?  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023;20(20)

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Why do mothers stay? Challenging attitudes in decision making about children at risk because of domestic violence  Child Abuse and Neglect. 2023;146:106511

"Without Compassion We Don't Have a Social Work Field": A Thematic Analysis Exploring Social Workers' Experiences with Compassion  J Evid Based Soc Work (2019). 2023;20(6):954-980