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Assessing the effect of On-site supportive communication training (On-site SCT) on doctor burnout: a randomized controlled trial  BMC Medical Education. 2025;25(1):112

The Association of Psychotherapy With Burnout, Depression, and Measures of Well-Being in Residents and Fellows: A Pilot Study  Academic Medicine. 2025;100(2):203-209

Behind the good of digital tools for occupational safety and health: a scoping review of ethical issues surrounding the use of the internet of things  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1468646

Development of a framework to structure decision-making in environmental and occupational health: A systematic review and Delphi study  Environment International. 2025;195:109209

A digital intervention to reduce home-office workers' sedentary behaviour: protocol for the evaluation of the Click2Move programme, a cluster randomised controlled trial  BMC Public Health. 2025;25(1):387

Digital Meditation to Target Employee Stress: A Randomized Clinical Trial  JAMA Network Open. 2025;8(1):e2454435

Effectiveness of mobile mindfulness training on stress, burnout, and work engagement of office workers: protocol for a randomized controlled trial  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1440824

Evaluating Exoskeletons for WMSD Prevention: A Systematic Review of Applications and Ergonomic Approach in Occupational Settings  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024;21(12)

Experiences of Nurses Regarding Self-Care: A Qualitative Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis  Nursing & Health Sciences. 2025;27(1):e70044

Interventions for Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Secondary Traumatic Stress in Nurses: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis  Nursing & Health Sciences. 2025;27(1):e70042

Lack of autonomy and professional recognition as major factors for burnout in midwives: A systematic mixed-method review Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2025;81(2):574-590

Occupational Risk Factors for Burnout Syndrome Among Healthcare Professionals: A Global Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024;21(12)

Organisational-level risk and health-promoting factors within the healthcare sector-a systematic search and review  Frontiers in Medicine. 2024;11:1509023

A Rapid Systematic Review Assessing the Effectiveness of Interventions to Promote Self-Management in Workers with Long-Term Health Conditions and Disabilities  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024;21(12)

Rehabilitation of back pain with laser associated with negative or positive pressure massage in workers: A randomized controlled trial  Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2025;41:101-108

Relationship between staff experience and patient outcomes in hospital settings: an overview of reviews  BMJ Open. 2025;15(1):e091942

Resilience-based interventions in the public sector workplace: a systematic review  BMC Public Health. 2025;25(1):350

Role of Tailored Timing and Frequency Prompts on the Efficacy of an Internet-Delivered Stress Recovery Intervention for Health Care Workers: Randomized Controlled Trial  JMIR Mental Health. 2025;12:e62782

A systematic review of the effectiveness of leaded glasses for ensuring safety among healthcare professionals in fluoroscopy  Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. 2025;56(2):101848

The Use of Wearable Systems for Assessing Work-Related Risks Related to the Musculoskeletal System-A Systematic Review International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024;21(12)

Workplace intervention among pregnant hospital employees - a cluster randomised trial evaluating well-being measures Midwifery. 2025;141:104261

Work-Related Psychosocial Risk and Protective Factors Influencing Workplace Sickness Absence: A Systematic Literature Review  Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2025

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Association of psychosocial factors at work with fertility and menstrual disorders: A systematic review  Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2025;22(1):e12624

E-Cigarette and Vaping Perspectives: Recommendations for Occupational Health Nurses  Workplace Health & Safety. 2025;73(1):22-32

Effects of Aromatherapy Through Inhalation on Work Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Health Professionals  Holistic Nursing Practice. 2025;39(1):32-39

The effects of stress on surgical performance: a systematic review  Surgical Endoscopy. 2025;39(1):77-98

Exploring the Impact of a Targeted Positive Psychological Intervention on Healthcare Workers' Subjective Happiness Journal of Nursing Administration. 2025;55(1):40-46

Five decades of debate on burnout  Medical Journal of Australia. 2024;221(11):573-575

Medical Malpractice Stress Syndrome  Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America. 2025;43(1):1-7

Nursing Resilience: An Evidence-Based Approach to Strengthening Professional Well-being  Journal of Nursing Administration. 2024;54(10):554-560

Optimal Self-Care for Surgeons: Sleep, Diet, and Exercise  American Surgeon. 2025;91(1):161-164

Prevalence and the associated factors of burnout among the critical healthcare professionals during the post-pandemic era: a multi-institutional survey in Taiwan with a systematic review of the Asian literatures  BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):3480

Prevalence of emotional burnout among dietitians and nutritionists: a systematic review, meta-analysis, meta-regression, and a call for action  BMC Psychology. 2024;12(1):775

Protocol of randomized-controlled trial to examine the effectiveness of three different interventions to reduce healthcare provider burnout  BMC Health Services Research. 2024;24(1):1643

Recommendations for guidelines for promoting mental health in the workplace: an umbrella review  Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem. 2024;77(6):e20240086

Rehabilitation of back pain with laser associated with negative or positive pressure massage in workers: A randomized controlled trial  Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2025;41:101-108

Research for association and correlation between stress at workplace and individual mental health  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1439542

Research on occupational health and safety management in the context of big data  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1514996

Risk assessment methods in occupational health and hygiene: a scoping review  Annals of work exposures and health. 2024

Self-Compassion in Qualified and Student Social Workers: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis  Journal of Evidence-Based Social Work. 2025;22(1):76-103

A systematic review and meta-analysis on light therapy for sleep disorders in shift workers  Scientific Reports. 2025;15(1):134

A Systematic Review of Burnout Among Staff Working in Services for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities  Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. 2025;38(1):e13325

A systematic review of the prevalence of burnout in orthopaedic surgeons  Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2025;107(1):61-67

Trends in workplace violence for health care occupations and facilities over the last 10 years  Health Affairs Scholar. 2024;2(12):qxae134

The Workplace Experiences of Transgender and Gender Diverse Employees: A Systematic Literature Review Using the Minority Stress Model  Journal of Homosexuality. 2025;72(1):60-88

Workplace violence, work-related exhaustion, and workplace cognitive failure among nurses: A cross-sectional study  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2025;81(1):271-285

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Association between second-hand smoke exposure and lung cancer risk in never-smokers: a systematic review and meta-analysis  European Respiratory Review: An Official Journal of the European Respiratory Society. 2024;33(174)

Candidate gene polymorphisms associated with silicosis and coal workers' pneumoconiosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis  BMC Pulmonary Medicine. 2024;24(1):580

The effect of occupational exposure to organic dust on lung function parameters among African industrial workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1424315

Effect of tele-yoga on burnout, mental health and immune markers of health care workers on COVID-19 duty: An open-label parallel group pilot randomized controlled trial  Complementary Therapies in Medicine. 2024;87:103109

The effectiveness of online educational interventions on impostor syndrome and burnout among medical trainees: a systematic review  BMC Medical Education. 2024;24(1):1349

Environmental and occupational exposure to organochlorine pesticides associated with Parkinson's disease risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis based on epidemiological evidence  Public Health. 2024;237:374-386

The epidemiology of low back pain in chiropractors and chiropractic students: a systematic review of the literature  Chiropractic & Manual Therapies. 2024;32(1):36

Facilitating and limiting factors in the implementation of Revie âŠ• among registered nurses: A multimethod study  European Journal of Oncology Nursing. 2024;73:102722

Feasibility and effectiveness of the mindfulness-based stress reduction programs on relieving burnout of healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot randomized controlled trial in China  Hum Resour Health. 2024;22(1):79

Five decades of debate on burnout  Medical Journal of Australia. 2024

French AFU Cancer Committee Guidelines - Update 2024-2026: Management of kidney cancer  Fr J Urol. 2024;34(12):102735

The Global Prevalence of Noise Induced Hearing Impairment Among Industrial Workers: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis  Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2024;76(6):5035-5049

How to successfully secure a higher speciality training post in the United Kingdom: dermatology focus  Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2024;100(1190):948-951

Mechanisms of change in compassion-based programs for medical students  Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):29945

Mentoring: Shaping the professional identity of the academic internal medicine hospitalist  Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2024;19(12):1104-1112

Musculoskeletal disorders among bank workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis  BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2024;25(1):951

Musculoskeletal disorders among truck drivers: a systematic review and meta-analysis  BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):3146

Observational methods for the analysis of biomechanical exposure in the workplace: a systematic review  Ergonomics. 2024:1-22

Pesticide safe use practice and acute health symptoms, and associated factors among farmers in developing countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis of an epidemiological evidence  BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):3313

Relationships Between Religious Commitment, Workplace Experiences, and Professional and Psychological Outcomes Among U.S. Muslim Physicians  Acad Med. 2024;99(12):1423-1431

Reports of Burnout Among Historically Marginalized and Female Graduating Medical Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic  Acad Med. 2024;99(12):1385-1395

Stress in novice nurses in new work environments: a systematic review  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1463751

A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis on Teaching by Humiliation in Medical Training: Its Frequency and Impact on the Mental Health Outcomes of Medical Trainees  Medical Science Educator. 2024

Transforming nursing work environments: the impact of organizational culture on work-related stress among nurses: a systematic review BMC Health Services Research. 2024;24(1):1526

Work-related impacts on doctors’ mental health: a qualitative study exploring organisational and systems-level risk factors  BMJ Open. 2024;14(11):e088283

No Subjects

Association of psychosocial factors at work with fertility and menstrual disorders: A systematic review  Japan Journal of Nursing Science. 2025;22(1):e12624

Associations of mixed metals exposure with cognitive impairment risk: a cross-sectional study in Chinese adults  Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2024

Burnout and Stress in Forensic Science Jobs: A Systematic Review  Healthcare (Basel). 2024;12(20)

Creating workplace boundaries: a strategy to reduce burnout  BMJ. 2024;387:q2214

Doctor suicide: reflections from an occupational health doctor  BMJ. 2024;387:q2286

The effect of an integrated workplace health promotion program on health behaviors targeted after 12 months: Results of a cluster randomized controlled trial  Applied Ergonomics. 2024;121:104362

Effectiveness of a dynamic seat cushion on recovery and recurrence of neck and low back pain in office workers: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial  BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2024;25(1):850

Effects of a sedentary behaviour intervention in emergency dispatch centre phone operators: a study protocol for the SECODIS randomised controlled cross-over trial  BMJ Open. 2024;14(10):e080177

Effects of Chronotherapeutic Interventions in Adults With ADHD and Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) on Regulation of Appetite and Glucose Metabolism  J Atten Disord. 2024;28(13):1653-1667

Filovirus outbreak responses and occupational health effects of chlorine spraying in healthcare workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis of alternative disinfectants and application methods  medRxiv. 2024

Global prevalence of occupational injuries among sanitation workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1425904

Is Ocular Safety in Orthopaedics Overlooked? A Systematic Review of Annual Ocular Radiation Exposure and Protective Measures Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2024;482(11):1954-1967

Is the micronucleus assay suitable for genetic biomonitoring of workers exposed to anesthetic gases? A systematic review  International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 2024:1-13

Job characteristics, personal characteristics and well-being of nursing assistants in long-term care facilities: A mixed methods systematic review and narrative synthesis  International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2024;161:104934

Musculoskeletal disorders among sonographers: a systematic review and meta-analysis  BMC Health Services Research. 2024;24(1):1233

Musculoskeletal disorders among teachers: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1399552

Occupational arsenic exposure and digestive and head and neck cancers: A systematic review and meta-analysis  Environmental Research. 2024;260:119643

Prevalence of occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis  International Journal of Environmental Health Research. 2024;34(11):3891-3908

Reducing work-related stress among health professionals by using a training-based intervention programme for leaders in a cluster randomised controlled trial  Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):23502

Rural healthcare workers' well-being: A systematic review of support interventions  Fam Syst Health. 2024;42(3):355-374

A systematic review on the impact of ship movements on lower back among maritime workers  International Maritime Health. 2024;75(3):155-166

'Throw me a life buoy, please': A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative evidence regarding nurses' experiences of caring for inpatients with borderline personality disorder and/or non-suicidal self-injury  Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. 2024;31(6):1216-1229

Virtual Reality (VR) Device with Integrated Biofeedback Sensors (ReViSide) to Cope with Emotional Burnout State Among Employees Experiencing Stress at Workplace: Problem Overview and Action Plan  Psychiatr Danub. 2024;36(Suppl 2):354-360

What is the State of Organisational Compassion-Based Interventions Targeting to Improve Health Professionals' Well-Being? Results of a Systematic Review  Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2024

Workplace mortality risk and social determinants among migrant workers: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Lancet Public Health. 2024;9(11):e935-e949

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Analysis of work-related ailments affecting physiotherapists  Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine. 2024;31(3):417-425

Application of Music Therapy in Improving the Sleep Quality and Mental Health of Nurses with Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorders Caused by Work Shifts  Noise Health. 2024;26(122):294-299

Can the different versions of the Shirom-Melamed Burnout Measure be used to measure burnout among healthcare professionals? A systematic review of psychometric properties  J Patient Rep Outcomes. 2024;8(1):108

Co-designing of a prototype mobile application for fetal radiation dose monitoring among pregnant radiographers using a design thinking approach  Health Informatics J. 2024;30(3):14604582241284960

The effect of an integrated workplace health promotion program on health behaviors targeted after 12 months: Results of a cluster randomized controlled trial  Applied Ergonomics. 2024;121:104362

The effect of meal frequency and glycemic index during the night shift on alertness, hunger and gastrointestinal complaints in female health care workers - a two-armed randomized cross-over trial  Journal of Nutrition. 2024

The effectiveness of digital interventions for self-management of chronic pain in employment settings: a systematic review  British Medical Bulletin. 2024;151(1):36-48

Efficacy of auriculotherapy for decreasing anxiety and stress among perioperative nursing workers: a mixed study  Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem. 2024;32:e4275

How Should Organizations Be Held Accountable for Clinician Well-Being?  JAMA. 2024;332(9):699-700

Impact of occupational stress on healthcare workers' family members before and during COVID-19: A systematic review  PloS One. 2024;19(9):e0308089

The impact of the nursing work environment on compassion fatigue: The mediating role of general self-efficacy  International Nursing Review. 2024

Influence of Night Shift Work on Heart Rate Variability in an Age- and Gender-Matched Study Group  J Cardiovasc Dev Dis. 2024;11(9)

Investigating the Effectiveness of a Workplace Musculoskeletal Disorders Management Program  Healthcare (Basel). 2024;12(18)

Knowledge and safe handling practices affecting the occupational exposure of nurses and midwives to hazardous drugs: A mixed methods systematic review  International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2024;160:104907

Moral Injury and the Global Health Workforce Crisis - Insights from an International Partnership  New England Journal of Medicine. 2024;391(9):782-785

Poor Work Ability Is Associated with Workplace Violence in Nurses: A Two-Wave Panel Data Analysis  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024;21(9)

Promoting resilience in mental health nurses: A partially clustered randomised controlled trial  International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2024;159:104865

Proposal of a workplace classification model for heart attack accidents from the field of occupational safety and health engineering  Heliyon. 2024;10(18):e37647

Testing the Effectiveness of a Mobile Smartphone App Designed to Improve the Mental Health of Junior Physicians: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial  JMIR Res Protoc. 2024;13:e58288

Understanding the impact of expertise on compassion fatigue in counseling via core self-evaluation and resilience  Sci Rep. 2024;14(1):22607

Workplace mental health standard is needed to improve staff wellbeing, say professional groups  BMJ. 2024;386:q2120

Workplace Well-Being in Industry 5.0: A Worker-Centered Systematic Review  Sensors (Basel). 2024;24(17)

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Addressing the burdens of non-communicable and occupational diseases: now is always the time  Medical Journal of Australia. 2024;221(3):121

Clinical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Occupational Health: A Systematic Literature Review  Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2024

Clinician Wellbeing and Mental Health Assessment Across Two Acute Care Hospitals During the COVID-19 Pandemic  Nursing Administration Quarterly. 2024;48(4):325-335

Comparing the effectiveness of mind-body practices (MBPs) and various psychological methods on occupational stress among healthcare workers: a network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials  BMC Health Services Research. 2024;24(1):962

Comparison of Health Complaints, Occupational Risks, and Occupational Health Practices of Healthcare Workers According to Professions and Departments in the Hospital  Cureus. 2024;16(7):e65614

Conservation of resources perspective on authentic leadership and employee well-being: The influence of job stress and emotional intelligence  Health Care Management Review. 2024;49(4):323-330

Correlations between well-being of nurses and psychosocial working conditions - a descriptive cross-sectional study  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1443015

The Effect of Laughter Yoga Applied to Intensive Care Nurses on Their Perceived Stress, Job Motivation, and Mental Well-being: Randomized Controlled Study  Clinical Nurse Specialist. 2024;38(5):229-236

The effect of multiple types of workplace violence on burnout risk, sleep quality, and leaving intention among nurses  Annals of work exposures and health. 2024;68(7):678-687

The Effectiveness of Group Interpersonal Therapy on Burnout Among Long-Term Care Workers  International Journal of Older People Nursing. 2024;19(5):e12639

Effectiveness of interventions on occupational stress, health and well-being, performance, and job satisfaction for midwives: A systematic mixed methods review  Women Birth. 2024;37(5):101589

Experiences of nurses managing parenthood and career: A systematic review and meta-synthesis  International Nursing Review. 2024;71(3):610-625

How Should Organizations Be Held Accountable for Clinician Well-Being?  JAMA. 2024;332(9):699-700

The impact of financial incentives on physical activity for employees in the context of workplace health promotion - A systematic review  Journal of Occupational Health. 2024

The Impact of Loving-Kindness Meditation on Job-Related Burnout of Nurses Working in Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Randomized Clinical Trial Study  Holistic Nursing Practice. 2024;38(5):259-266

Implementation of Coaching to Address Burnout in Emergency Clinicians  Journal of Emergency Nursing. 2024;50(5):601-609

Latent burnout profile analysis in hospital doctors in Ireland  PloS One. 2024;19(8):e0308972

Prevalence of burnout among physiotherapists: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Physiotherapy. 2024;124:164-179

Preventing Surgeon Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Pilot Study of the Comprehensive Operating Room Ergonomics (CORE) Program  American Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2024;78(5)

Prioritising nurses' and doctors' health at work: a scoping review of monitoring instruments  BMJ Open. 2024;14(8):e079861

Psychometrics of the Revised Nursing Stress Scale  Research in Nursing and Health. 2024

The risk factors for burnout among nurses: An investigation study  Medicine (Baltimore). 2024;103(34):e39320

Situation and associated factors of needle stick and sharps injuries among health-care workers in a tertiary hospital: a cross-sectional survey  BMC Health Services Research. 2024;24(1):1002

Stress, burnout and coping among nurses working on acute medical wards and in the community: A quantitative study  Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 2024;38(3):636-647

Struggling doctors reduce hours to avoid burnout, finds GMC survey  BMJ. 2024;386:q1764

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Adapting to change: exploring perceptions and demands of the coronavirus (COVID-19) workforce changes - an Australian multi-institutional radiation oncology survey  Australian Health Review. 2024;48(4):388-395

Addressing the burdens of non-communicable and occupational diseases: now is always the time  Medical Journal of Australia. 2024;221(3):121

Approaches for the use of Artificial Intelligence in workplace health promotion and prevention: A systematic scoping review  Jmir ai. 2024

The effectiveness of digital interventions for self-management of chronic pain in employment settings: a systematic review  British Medical Bulletin. 2024

Effects of interventions implemented by occupational health professionals to prevent work-related stress complaints: a systematic review  Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2024;81(6):321-328

Effects of proof-of-concept training on reducing work stress and anxiety of  junior medical staff: a randomized controlled trial proof-of-concept  Acta Neurologica Belgica. 2024;124(4):1273-1279

Ergonomics in Spine Surgery: A Systematic Review  Spine. 2024;49(16):E250-e261

Factors Related to the Recurrence of Sickness Absence Due to Common Mental Health Disorders: A Systematic Review  Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2024

Guided self-help mindfulness-based intervention for increasing psychological resilience and reducing job burnout in psychiatric nurses: A randomized controlled trial  International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2024;30(4):e13204

Internal Medicine Program Directors' Perceptions About Accommodating Residents with Disabilities: A Qualitative Study  Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2024

Levels and influencing factors of mental workload among intensive care unit nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis  International Journal of Nursing Practice. 2024;30(4):e13167

NSW Government announces body worn camera trial to boost hospital staff safety.
 NSW Health - 2 July; 2024
Available from:

Occupational accidents and the use of PPE: a global meta-analysis  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1368991

The prevalence and risk factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among nurses in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis  International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2024;157:104826

Prevalence of burnout among physiotherapists: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Physiotherapy. 2024;124:164-179

Prevalence of endoscopy-related injuries and their impact on clinical practice: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Endoscopy. 2024;56(8):612-619

A Qualitative Study of Strategies to Improve Occupational Well-being in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians  Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2024;103(8):674-684

The Total Worker Health® (TWH) approach: a systematic review of its application in different occupational settings  BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):2037

Using wearable technology for Posture Regulation to Improve Surgical Ergonomics in the paediatric operating room: the UPRISE trial: a pilot study  Surgical Endoscopy. 2024;38(8):4445-4456

The Work-life Check-ins randomized controlled trial: A leader-based adaptive, semi-structured burnout intervention in primary care clinics  Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2024;143:107609

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The association between empathy and burnout in medical students: a systematic review and meta-analysis  BMC Medical Education. 2024;24(1):640

Barriers and facilitators to implementing workplace interventions to promote mental health: qualitative evidence synthesis  Systematic reviews. 2024;13(1):152

The burden of working time lost to compensable occupational injury and disease in Australia, 2012-17: a retrospective population-based study  Medical Journal of Australia. 2024;220(11):573-578

The effects of different types of organisational workplace mental health interventions on mental health and wellbeing in healthcare workers: a systematic review  International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 2024;97(5):485-522

Effects of standardized mindfulness programs on burnout: a systematic review and original analysis from randomized controlled trials  Frontiers in Public Health. 2024;12:1381373

Feasibility, acceptability, and efficacy of a positive emotion regulation intervention to promote resilience for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: A randomized controlled trial  PloS One. 2024;19(6):e0305172

General surgeons' occupational musculoskeletal injuries: A systematic review  Surgeon. 2024

Identifying a competency improvement strategy for infection prevention and control professionals: A rapid systematic review and cluster analysis  Health Care Science. 2024;3(1):53-66

Impact of heartfulness meditation practice compared to the gratitude practices on wellbeing and work engagement among healthcare professionals: Randomized trial  PloS One. 2024;19(6):e0304093

Industrial workers and bullying: a systematic review and meta-analysis of workplace violence  Industrial Health. 2024

Intervention Programs Targeting Burnout in Health Professionals: A Systematic Review  Iranian Journal of Public Health. 2024;53(5):997-1008

Meta-analysis of the quantitative effectiveness of risk management measures (RMM) in the workplace  Annals of work exposures and health. 2024;68(5):495-509

Mindfulness-based interventions for improving mental health of frontline healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review  Systematic reviews. 2024;13(1):160

Mixed shift rotations, sleep, burnout and well-being in professions similar to radiographers: A systematic review  Radiography (Lond). 2024;30(4):1194-1200

Occupational psychosocial exposures and chronic low-back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 2024;50(5):329-340

Physical and psychosocial work-related exposures and the occurrence of disorders of the shoulder: A systematic review update  Applied Ergonomics. 2024;118:104277

The prevalence and risk factors of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among nurses in China: A systematic review and meta-analysis  International Journal of Nursing Studies. 2024;157:104826

A study protocol for the modified interactive screening program plus MINDBODYSTRONG© RCT: A mental health resiliency intervention for nurses  PloS One. 2024;19(6):e0303425

To Fix Burnout, New Initiatives Go Beyond Worker Resilience and Put Onus on Health Systems  JAMA. 2024;331(24):2067-2069

Wellness officer, heal thyself: Reflections from a burned-out physician one year later  Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2024;19(7):642-643

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Library Service

AI-Drafted Responses to Patients Reduced Clinician Burnout  JAMA. 2024;331(17):1440

Biomechanical and ergonomic risks associated with cervical musculoskeletal dysfunction amongst surgeons: A systematic review  Surgeon. 2024;22(3):143-149

The burden of working time lost to compensable occupational injury and disease in Australia, 2012-17: a retrospective population-based study  Medical Journal of Australia. 2024

Digital Engagement Strategy and Health Care Worker Mental Health: A Randomized Clinical Trial  JAMA Network Open. 2024;7(5):e2410994

The effects of different types of organisational workplace mental health interventions on mental health and wellbeing in healthcare workers: a systematic review  International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health. 2024;97(5):485-522

The effects of work on cognitive functions: a systematic review  Frontiers in Psychology. 2024;15:1351625

Global estimate of burnout among the public health workforce: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Human Resources for Health. 2024;22(1):30

Impact Wellbeing™ Guide: Taking action to improve healthcare worker wellbeing. 2024

Job satisfaction and burnout syndrome among intensive-care unit nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis  Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. 2024;82:103660

Mobile health technologies for workers' health and wellbeing: A systematic search of mHealth applications in Brazil  Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2024;38:54-59

Physical and psychosocial work-related exposures and the occurrence of disorders of the shoulder: A systematic review update  Applied Ergonomics. 2024;118:104277

Physical job demands in pregnancy and associated musculoskeletal health and employment outcomes: a systematic review  American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2024;230(6):583-599.e16

The prevalence and risk factors of PTSD symptoms among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic-A systematic review and meta-analysis  International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2024;33(3):523-545

Prognostic Factors and Models for Predicting Work Absence in Adults with Musculoskeletal Conditions Consulting a Healthcare Practitioner: A Systematic Review  Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation. 2024

Psychological Group Interventions for Reducing Distress Symptoms in Healthcare Workers: A Systematic Review  Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy. 2024;31(3):e2980

A review of the injuries caused by occupational footwear  Occupational Medicine (Oxford, England). 2024;74(3):218-224

Sleep, mental health and physical health in new shift workers transitioning to shift work: Systematic review and meta-analysis  Sleep Medicine Reviews. 2024;75:101927

A systematic review of work related musculoskeletal disorders among physical therapists and physiotherapists  Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. 2024;38:350-367

Workplace Productivity, Health and Wellbeing: Findings From a Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial of a Workplace Intervention to Reduce Sitting in Office Workers  Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2024;66(6):487-494


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The Comet Assay as a Tool in Human Biomonitoring Studies of Environmental and Occupational Exposure to Chemicals-A Systematic Scoping Review  Toxics. 2024;12(4)

CORR Insights®: High Prevalence of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders and Limited Evidence-based Ergonomics in Orthopaedic Surgery: A Systematic Review  Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2024;482(4):672-674

Effect of Active Workstations on Neurocognitive Performance and Typing Skills: A Randomized Clinical Trial  J Am Heart Assoc. 2024;13(8):e031228

The effect of resilience training with mHealth application based on micro-learning method on the stress and anxiety of nurses working in intensive care units: a randomized controlled trial  BMC Medical Education. 2024;24(1):442

The effect of socioeconomic status and training programmes on burnout in postgraduate trainees in the United Kingdom: a cross-sectional analysis  Postgraduate Medical Journal. 2024;100(1183):305-308

Group-level workplace interventions to improve mental health in low control, high-demand office-based jobs. A scoping review  Ann Work Expo Health. 2024;68(4):335-350

High Prevalence of Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders and Limited Evidence-based Ergonomics in Orthopaedic Surgery: A Systematic Review  Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research. 2024;482(4):659-671

Hip osteoarthritis and occupational mechanical exposures: a systematic review and meta-analysis  Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health. 2024;50(4):244-256

The influence of exercise on pain, disability and quality of life in office workers with chronic neck pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis  Applied Ergonomics. 2024;117:104216

Interventions on gender equity in the workplace: a scoping review  BMC Medicine. 2024;22(1):149

Interventions to reduce burnout and improve the mental health of nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials with meta-analysis  International Journal of Mental Health Nursing. 2024;33(2):324-343

Is There a Burnout Epidemic among Medical Students? Results from a Systematic Review  Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania). 2024;60(4)

Job satisfaction and burnout syndrome among intensive-care unit nurses: A systematic review and meta-analysis  Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. 2024;82:103660

Methods to assess dermal exposures in occupational settings: a scoping review  Ann Work Expo Health. 2024;68(4):351-365

Moderators and mediators of effects of interventions to reduce stress in hospital employees: A systematic review  Stress Health. 2024;40(2):e3314

A participatory and comprehensive intervention to improve violence prevention in two high-risk occupations: effect and process evaluation of a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial  BMC Public Health. 2024;24(1):1043

Physical and psychosocial work-related exposures and the incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome: A systematic review of prospective studies  Applied Ergonomics. 2024;117:104211

Prevalence of Burnout Among Public Health Professionals: A Systematic Review  Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2024;30(3):384-393

A Systematic Review of the Single-Item Burnout Question: Its Reliability Depends on Your Purpose  Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2024;39(5):818-828

Time to consider blunt needles for implant surgery? A systematic review and meta-analysis shows that blunt suture needles reduce glove perforation  Surgeon. 2024;22(2):107-115

Work outcomes in public safety personnel after potentially traumatic events: A systematic review  American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2024;67(5):387-441

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