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i2i Standards

Australian standards are available from the i2i Standards SAI Global platform.  Some international standards may also be available if an unlock payment has been made. 

Use the following link to access Standards:

About the i2i platform

  • Receive alerts when Standards are amended
  • Add Standards to your watchlist within i2i
  • Access the content from any device including desktop, tablet and mobile 

i2i Standards: How to...

Are you registered?

In order to access the Standards platform, you need to have set up a personal account for the i2i platform.

First time users of the i2i platform:

  • Open the i2i platform using the icon above.
  • To register: Select the "New Registration" option and fill in the Registration" dialog box. There are two tabs - "Your details" and "Company details." In the Company Details tab select Health Department of WA, for your Company and Business Unit.  Enter your Department name.

Registered i2i platform users:

  • Open the i2i platform using the icon at the top of the box.
  • Follow the prompts in the "Log into i2i" dialog box to log in.
  • If you have misplaced your password, you will need to use the "forgot password" option to reset it.

Follow these steps to view online or download a Standard from i2i

  1. From the search results screen click on the title of standard you wish to view
  2. You will be provided with two viewing options:
    • View Online
      • Will open a new tab or window with an online PDF version of the Standard
    • Download
      • Will open a new tab or window with a download request page ⇒
        • When the Standard is 'Ready for download', press the Download document button
  3. The Order Fulfillment (DRM protected document) window will appear stating how you can view the Adobe PDF file that has been saved to the Downloads folder in your browser
    • Open this folder and double click on the PDF to view the Standard
IMPORTANT: These files MUST be opened in Adobe Reader, not in the browser window. They will not open in the browser.

Requesting Standards to be unlocked

International standards are not available until a request unlock is received and payment is made. The Library will meet reasonable levels of expenditure but depending on budget may need to charge back to do this.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Where available, the i2i platform will provide you with information on any equivalent Standards that may be available. This information is listed within the Request Unlock box.

When you click Request Unlock you will need to fill in some details and then press Submit Form.

  • The request will be sent to the SMHS Library to organise the purchase which will be made depending on available budget.
  • If a charge back is necessary, approval is required from the head of department and the relevant business manager to allocate the charges to a departmental cost centre.
Once the Standard has been made available, you will then need to proceed to the Download tab and follow the download instructions.

Support and FAQs

Why am I seeing "License not available. Please try after some time."

If the licence to view or download documents is in use, you will not be able to access or download until the previous person logs out.

What's covered by the licence?

Australian standards are available; however, the online site also references other international standards from organisations such as:

  • AAMI - Association for Advancement of Medical Instrumentation
  • ANSI - American National Standards Institute
  • ISO - International Organization for Standardization
Is there a session time-out and/or a limit to concurrent users?

There is a time out of 8 minutes if someone logs in and is inactive. There is a ONE concurrent user license - This means that there can be only one active user online at a time (active means viewing or downloading a document). There is no limit to the number of users searching on the platform.


The SAI Global platform i2i Standards, supersedes Standards Online (also by SAI Global) and the Standards Online plaftorm phase out began in mid-February 2024.
Please update your bookmarks to i2i Standards.