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Clinical Key About ClinicalKey - How-to videos and downloads
UpToDate - about the continuing medical education in UpToDate
Online learning options - not provided by a Library subscription but available for personal subscriptions
See what this library in the US says
“Starting with MKSAP 19, The American College of Physicians (ACP) eliminated the MKSAP Print-only offering from their product line. Our library attempted to purchase copies of MKSAP 19 Complete which comes with print books and the digital component. But, ACP adjusted their policy to exclude all sales to libraries stating that they cannot separate the print books from digital access. The ACP also includes language forbidding the transfer of the MKSAP materials from the purchaser to a second party. Additionally, they only allow one person to purchase one MKSAP program.
The Library did try to purchase the MKSAP Complete, but ACP refused to fulfill the order. Even though we would not share the single-account credentials and only loan out the print books, they will not sell them to us. We’re sorry that we won’t be able to provide these highly valued resources for our learners.”
Why doesn't the Library subscribe to these?