A variety of alerting services are provided to staff across EMHS and SMHS.
Saved database searches on topics of interest to staff are maintained and results are emailed as updates are run (usually monthly).
Apps such as BrowZine and Read by QxMD allow clients to track their favourite journals as new issues are published on mobile devices or desktop PCs.
Subject based email alerts are prepared and distributed using the free MailChimp interface. Staff can sign up to join subject lists of interest.
Some examples: Rehabilitation, Emergency Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, Health Management.
In 2020, 238 alerts were sent. (The number of topics was reduced due to low demand and usage.)
In 2019, 368 alerts were sent.
In 2018, 387 alerts were sent.
In 2017, 533 alerts were sent.
An ad hoc email alerts service is used to send targeted alerts to individuals with particular subject interests. Early in 2021 a spreadsheet was created to track interests of staff who are keen recipients of this service.
In 2020, 391 alerts were sent.
In 2019, 364 alerts were sent
In 2018, 341 alerts were sent.
In 2017, 247 alerts were sent.
The circulation of journal Tables of contents (ToCs) was improved in January 2021 and all who used the service were moved to the new system that runs from Ovid Discovery. These are now sent directly to clients from Ovid so numbers are no longer collected. The new system provides a nicer display and links are proxied so that access to the full text is available from a single click.
In 2019, 922 ToCs were sent.
In 2018, 1,052 ToCs were sent.
In 2017, 1,226 ToCs were sent.