Usage is tracked through COUNTER compliant reports that are automatically harvested using the SUSHI Protocol. COUNTER Registry of COUNTER compliant platforms.
UStat from ExLibris is also used for this purpose, though publishers who have moved to COUNTER 5 and have no COUNTER 4 reporting options cannot be analysed in UStat. COUNTER has made available a R5 Harvester tool that may be of use.
From mid 2020, the Library began using a Czech SUSHI harvester and usage analytics display site called CelusOne.
COUNTER = Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources
SUSHI = Standardized Usage Statistics Harvesting Initiative
COUNTER Code of Practice Release 5 - lists COUNTER usage reports (metrics)
COUNTER Result Clicks and Record Views - usage metrics
Usage reports are routinely checked for all renewals. EMHS / SMHS Usage for resources bought state-wide is under-represented EMHS/SMHS usage reports because it is possible to access many of them without passing through 'proxied' Library links.
Value delivered from online access is not simply judged by cost per use. Other factors are considered such as availability via document delivery and the avoidance of having to provide articles via expensive and time-consuming document delivery options from libraries or publishers.
At some point it may be useful to consider using Unsub to analyse subscription options.