Before you begin to publish your research, it is recommended that you create one, or more, author, identifiers.
An author identifier (also known as a persistent identifier or a PID) allows you to connect all of your research together using a persistent, unambiguous identifier.
Common author identifiers are:
Best practice tips for managing your author identifiers across publications
Background information on persistent identifiers
An Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a free, unique, persistent identifier that can be used to connect an researcher with their publications.
ORCID records may be linked to other identifier systems (e.g. Scopus or Web of Science). If ORCID records are kept up to date, there is no need to maintain records in multiple systems.
The Web of Science Researcher ID is a unique identifier that connects an author with their publications across Web of Science and InCites.
A Web of Science Researcher Profile can be connected to an ORCID profile to ensure they both remain up to date and in sync.
A Google Scholar profile ensure that authors and their publications appear in Google Scholar search results.
They can be updated automatically or manually.
The Scopus Author Identifier is a unique identifier that connects an author with their publications within Scopus.
A Scopus Author ID can be connected to an ORCID profile to ensure they both remain up to date and in sync.