Cultivating your researcher profile (pdf)
There are a variety of ways researchers may display a record of publications.
University joint appointment staff may have their publications recorded in university library research repositories.
ORCID, My NCBI Bibliographies, SciENcv and Google Scholar Profiles are independent of institutional affiliations and allow researchers to cumulate a complete publications record and make them visible for all to see.
Example of Barry Marshall's UWA Research Repository record.
At a minimum, authors should acquire an ORCID as major publishers now require them to assist with name disambiguation. Data from ORCID if publicaly available will flow to other sources such as the National Library of Australia's Trove. See the example of Barry Marshall's Trove record.
ORCID is publisher-independent. Other identifiers include Publons (formerly called ResearcherID) from Clarivate Analytics and Scopus Author Profile from Elsevier.
It can be a challenge to keep all sources synced but if your ORCID records are maintained, records can be pushed / pulled between other identifiers.