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Searching the Literature & Search Tools

Links to various database tutorials on the Library site.

Need help?  Librarians will search for you an any work related matter.  Register with the Library and put in a request via the forms site.

If you have a complex search request, it is best to meet with the Librarian who will be doing the search.

About Ovid Medline and PubMed

MEDLINE, PubMed, and PMC (PubMed Central): How are they different?

How to compare Ovid Medline and PubMed – from Ovid

Ovid's Medline compared to PubMed – Wolters Kluwer

Searching to support systematic reviews - articles of interest - including librarian input and impact on librarian time

University of Sydney Library guide - What is a systematic review?

Series of papers in Heart & Lung
Part 1, the overview - September-October 2020
Part 2, preparation is key: The question and the protocol - 26 August 2020
Part 3, the value of the search - March-April 2021 
Part 4, screening the results - March-April 2021 
Part 5, quality appraisal, data extraction, synthesis - September-October 2021 
Part 6, reporting guidelines - March-April 2022
Part 7, critical appraisal of systematic review quality - May-June 2022

A suggested data structure for transparent and repeatable reporting of bibliographic searching.   Neal R Haddaway, Melissa L Rethlefsen, Melinda Davies, Julie Glanville,    Bethany McGowan, Kate Nyhan, Sarah Young   Campbell Syst Rev. 2022 Dec;18(4): e1288

Searching clinical trials registers: guide for systematic reviewers - BMJ - 26 April 2022

Untapping the hidden value of clinical trial registries - BMJ - 26 April 2022

CLUSTER searching approach to inform evidence syntheses: A methodological review - Research Synthesis Methods - 5 June 2021

Reducing research wastage by starting off on the right foot: optimally framing the research question - Qual Life Res - 21 March 2022

A prospective comparison of evidence synthesis search strategies developed with and without text-mining tools - J Clin Epidemiol - March 2021

A Prospective Comparison of Evidence Synthesis Search Strategies Developed With and Without Text-Mining Tools - AHRQ Methods for Effective Health Care - March 2021

What every Researcher should know about Searching – Clarified Concepts, Search Advice, and an Agenda to improve Finding in Academia - Research Synthesis Methods - 8 October 2020

Clinical trial registry searches are under-utilized in systematic reviews from critical care journals: A bibliometric analysis - Journal of Critical Care - 17 September 2020

Everyone Wants to do a Systematic Review - The Krafty Librarian - 1 October 2019

Assessment of Publication Trends of Systematic Reviews and Randomized Clinical Trials, 1995 to 2017.  Niforatos JD, Weaver M, Johansen ME.
JAMA Intern Med. 2019 Jul 29. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2019.3013. 

It takes longer than you think: librarian time spent on systematic review tasks - J Med Libr Assoc. 2018 Apr; 106(2): 198–207.

The effect of librarian involvement on the quality of systematic reviews in dental medicine - PLOS One - 1 September 2021

Ensuring the rigor in systematic reviews: Part 3, the value of the search - Heart & Lung - March-April 2021

Anne O’Tate: Value-added PubMed search engine for analysis and text mining - PLOS One - 8 March 2021

Quality of Literature Searches Published in Leading Neurosurgical Journals: A Review of Reviews - Neurosurgery - 27 January 2021

What editors, reviewers, researchers and librarians need to know about the PRESS, MECIR, PRISMA and AMSTAR instruments with regard to improving the methodological quality of searches for information for articles - Sao Paulo Med J - Nov-Dec 2020

Best-worst scaling identified adequate statistical methods and literature search as the most important items of AMSTAR2 (A measurement tool to assess systematic reviews) - J Clin Epidemiol - 2020

Burnout Among Medical and Health Sciences Information Professionals Who Support Systematic Reviews: An Exploratory Study - J Med Libr Assoc . 2020 Jan;108(1):89-97

Building the Systematic Review Core in an academic health sciences library - Lackey MJ, Greenberg H, Rethlefsen ML.  - J Med Libr Assoc. 2019 Oct;107(4):588-594.

Using the full PICO model as a search tool for systematic reviews resulted in lower recall for some PICO elements - J Clin Epidemiology - 15 July 2020

García-Puente, María; Pastor-Ramon, Elena; Agirre, Oskia; Morán, José-María; Herrera-Peco, Iván (2020).
“Research note. Open letter to the users of the new PubMed: a critical appraisal”. Profesional de la información, v. 29, n. 3, e290336.

Collaboration challenges in systematic reviews: a survey of health sciences librarians - JMLA - October 2017

Librarian co-authors correlated with higher quality reported search strategies in general internal medicine systematic reviews - Journal of Clinical Epidemiology - 2015 Volume 68, Issue 6, Pages 617-626

When not done well - The Mass Production of Redundant, Misleading, and Conflicted Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses - JP Ioannidis - Milbank Q. September 2016

Impact of librarians on reporting of the literature searching component of pediatric systematic reviews - JMLA - 2016

Use of Recommended Search Strategies in Systematic Reviews and the Impact of Librarian Involvement: A Cross-Sectional Survey of Recent Authors - PLOS One - 4 May 2015

Grey Literature Searching for Health Sciences Systematic Reviews: A Prospective Study of Time Spent and Resources Utilized - Evid Based Libr Inf Pract. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2015 Apr 

De-duplication of database search results for systematic reviews in EndNote - W M Bramer et al  J Med Libr Assoc. 2016 Jul; 104(3): 240–243

Effectiveness and Efficiency of Search Methods in Systematic Reviews of Complex Evidence: Audit of Primary Sources - BMJ . 2005 Nov 5;331(7524):1064-5