From time to time you may need to import references from another EndNote library. This may happen when someone has shared an EndNote library with you e.g. a librarian has emailed a compressed library with your literature search results. To import the references into your existing EndNote library follow the steps below:
If you do not have an existing Endnote Library, follow the steps here to create your library
References can be exported from the Library catalogue and many online journals and databases.
General Steps
Below are specific instructions for some of the more popular databases.
Note: PubMed references do not import with a URL to return you to the citation.
You can create these URL links using the steps below:
You will then end up with a hyperlink that looks like this in the URL field: The URL will link to the PubMed record and incorporate the library's linking tool so that the Get it at E/SMHS button appears and can be used to link to any available full text.
Note: Web of Science references do not import with a URL to return you to the citation.
You can create these URL links using the steps below:
<Go to ISI>://
You will then end up with a hyperlink that looks like this in the URL field:
The URL will link to the Web of Science record and incorporate the library's linking tool so that the Get it at E/SMHS button appears and can be used to link to any available full text.
To perform a bulk export of records from Google Scholar: