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EndNote: Information and User Guide

Managing your references

Once references are in your library, you can make adjustments to their order and display in the main library window. You can also customise the display fields to suit your personal preferences; and can identify and remove duplicate references.

To view a reference:

  1. Double click on the reference
  2. The Summary tab will provide a summary view
  3. The Edit tab will show you the data in the reference fields
  4. The PDF tab will allow you to view the PDF

To view a formatted reference in your selected referencing style:

  1. Double click on the reference
  2. Select your preferred style from the drop-down menu in the formatted reference 

  1. If the style does not appear in the drop-down menu, click on Select Another Style
  2. Browse the list, or search for the style
  3. Click on the style to highlight it
  4. Click on Choose


To sort your references by a specific field, you first need to ensure that the field displays in your library view.

  1. Click on Edit > Preferences
  2. Select Display Fields. Select and rearrange the columns to your liking - this may include renaming a field, creating a custom field or choosing not to display columns.

To sort your references by a specific field (for example by year):

  1. Click on the column heading for that field
  2. Click on the column heading again to reverse the order

To edit a reference:

  1. View the reference in the Edit panel

  1. Click in the field that you wish to edit (or tab through the fields)
  2. Type the edits
  3. Click on Save

To remove duplicate references:

  1. Go to the All References group
  2. Click on Library > Find Duplicates
  3. Compare duplicate references and determine which records to keep

By default EndNote identifies duplicate references by matching on the Author, Year, Title and Reference Type fields.

To change these defaults:

  1. Click on Edit > Preferences
  2. Select Duplicates.
  3. Select the fields that you wish to match on.
  4. Click Apply > OK

EndNote also gives the option to choose 'Oldest', 'Newest', or 'Most Complete' references as the default to retain.

To revert back to the EndNote defaults:

  1. Click on Edit > Preferences
  2. Select Duplicates.
  3. Click on EndNote Defaults
  4. Click Apply > OK

If you have references in multiple EndNote libraries, it is advisable to consolidate them into one library. 

To move references from one library to another:

  1. Open the Library that contains the references to be moved (source library)
  2. Open the Library that the references are to be moved to (target library)
  3. In the source library, select the references to be moved
  4. Go to References>Copy References to and select the target library
  5. the selected references will be copied across from the source to the target library