WA Health provides a statewide licence for EndNote.
WA Health employees can access the EndNote software from a WA Health computer or download it for use on a personal device.
EndNote 21 is the current version available for installation.
To have EndNote installed or updated on a WA Health computer at EMHS and SMHS sites (excluding FSH), log a job with HSS [Intranet link only] or contact the Help Desk on 13 44 77. FSH staff should log a job on x21111 or email the Help Desk
To download EndNote 21 for Windows, follow the steps below to ensure correct installation:
Note: At Fiona Stanley Hospital the FSH BYOD Network may block your download. If this occurs, try using a personal Wi-Fi hotspot.
If you have problems installing EndNote on Window's devices, you may be operating in S mode. Check the link below in how to resolve this.
To download EndNote 21 for MacOS, follow the steps below to ensure correct installation:
Note: At Fiona Stanley Hospital the FSH BYOD Network may block your download. If this occurs, try using a personal Wi-Fi hotspot.